Saturday, June 22, 2019

She pulled him away

Hello Friends! I would like to share a story or my experience about how strongly girls lead the so called "men dominated western church society". This story doesn't intend on condemning women around the world, however it does talk about western church women and how they are leading the churches even though a liberal non church going western group feels that women are being oppressed in churches.

The story is about a male friend from a Bible study group that took place in a mostly Caucasian town. Although I am bound to not easily be the leader because of my skin color and strong spine in western churches, I still was leading this study in terms of the understanding of different topics and helping the study become more productive in changing the walks of the guys who attended this males only study in a Baptist church. We all men were in our young adults age group and some of us had girlfriends but most were single.

This particular friend was much moved and encouraged by my work to spread God's word among the already self blinded church folk. On one Sunday service, around 20 minutes before the service would begin and the crowd was entering the church, he came in with this girl who was young adult's pastor's sister. She recently started dating this guy and was fully into a lukewarm privilege seeking, carnal church system. This guy walked towards me to greet me as I stood in the corner of the entrance waiting for a couple of loyal friends to walk to church with as it obviously was an awkward setting full of prejudice and ungodly people attending church. The girl saw that and literally took his wrist by her hand and took her straight away from me. It wasn't because they wanted to go in early or were in rush as many biased readers who would seek justification for prejudice and try to cloak it would want to cite as excuse for her behavior. She took him away so he won't be associating with me.

I always read from liberal folks about such Baptists that Baptists are men lead environment. I find truth is opposite, in any social strata it's women that hold stronger power as men cannot have kids without women and therefore, women form structure or demography of any environment. This is just one of the experiences where I felt churches are still pretty much biased about skin color and ethnicity. It is worst in a Calvinistic setting because people justify their actions with once saved always saved idea and support corruption inside churches.