Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Growing overuse of cliche- Sovereignty of God

Hey friends, today I would like to discuss about growing use of cliches like 'sovereignty of God'.

To start with, if a person practices social evil like lust and racism, it is too easy for them to choose Calvinism as it gives them a way to say they can do anything they want and they would still be saved as once saved is always saved. People say the Biblical reason behind such osas salvation is God's sovereignty, that it doesn't matter if they are obedient in their walk or not, God is obligated to save them.

Again, I hear this cliche statement far too often. Sovereignty of God, however, is described differently in Bible. Bible presents it as God's will to exercise judgement and allowing people into tests but God doesnt tempt.

If you are born to a certain family or environment, you have faced God's Will that didn't involve your own will, but this doesn't relate to salvation. Grace is an opportunity, but it is not a way to escape judgement day. Grace represents the fact that a person who grew up in an advanced Pentecostal family is more probable to know Bible better than a Calvinist or Baptist kid. But again, Grace can be rejected and Salvation is completely based on Grace accepted by FREEWILL of an individual.

To explain further why people choose to overuse and led to creation of such cliches- I had a friend who was around 28 or 29 years old, he lusted for a church girl and started calling it as God's will in his life. Both went for hike for hours and then suddenly the church girl broke up with my reformed church friend. He now started saying that it was God's will that they broke up. After some time, he again lusted for another church girl and same way, he started calling new relationship as God's will in his life. Since this time, both of them are nearing 30, they will stay together but through both relationship, lust and racism were the prime key and not spiritual growth. So, that is why the cliche is misused to gain worldly benefits and cite it as an excuse for sin inside churches.

Just like saying, oh everyone has sinned and therefore it is okay to sin and nobody is perfect. Lust and racism is practiced inside churches easily with once saved always save criteria, although it is practiced in false pentecostal churches also.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Racist Church Missionaries

Hi Readers

I'd like to share several stories I have about real life encounters or incidences where I found churches are houses to racist missionaries. However, here I would share a few only to explain the extent to which racism is the key to holding the church leadership in place.

1) A missionary to Thai- I met her at a Baptist church, not in GTA, but up north, where she grew up. She presented herself as a highly God centered person. I talked to her about her missions and also about her goals. While I was talking, my aim was to see if she really loves God and would stand for Godly ways. As an advanced Pentecostal; I believe if a Baptist or any real Christian is given a chance to be exposed to spiritual growth concept and wisdom, that person would or should be motivated to do the right thing or basically choose a life partner based on quality faith, walk and morals than lust and racism. Although, I am aware that it's rare to find real Christian girl, I thought may be she is a real Christian girl, but I was wrong. Her problem was same as most other missionaries and church goers, lust based on appearance and racism. I presented the fact of her young adult's pastor's brother preaching lust openly among young guys in the study and she refused to ever talk again.

2) Clear form of racism by missionary to India- I also met another missionary from the same congregation. Funny part is that even her forefathers were missionaries to India but I would assume that they were racist also. Same thing, I tried being friendly with her and she showed her true colors by firstly ignoring and then I didnt care to talk more as she was obviously being racist. She was aware of my level of understanding of Bible but she refused to follow Biblical criteria also, owing to her racist brought up.

3) I could go on and on, but this is not something that would make someone happy to share. It is sad that such cheap social evil exists in modern lands from where so many people pretend to be missionaries but they are still racist. I know a young Bible grad who wouldn't even allow me to talk friendly to her gf just because he was paranoid that she would be impressed and his salary and lust racism based benefits (dating/marriage is influenced by racism) would be affected.

Still there is no church in the whole world that can do something about such open racism in modern developed parts of the world. Guess, I am just in the same boat as First Nations and Plantation workers; trying to find equality in churches, just that my love for God doesn't make me leave church or Christianity or I would have left already because of missionaries.