Saturday, January 22, 2022

Abuse of Christians by churches in Canada

 A few years back, I joined a young adults community in a mega church in Barrie and came across several churches and found awful experience with these church communities. Question however is do we really have freedom to preach and talk about humanity, justice or Godliness inside churches in Canada. I get this statement that I have not seen all churches in Canada but here is my understanding on the topic after meeting almost more than 500 young adults missionaries in Ontario and meeting few utterly ungodly churches in Ontario. a) Parenting plays a huge role in degrading Christianity and abusing true Christians in churches. My parents were poor and as an immigrant even though we have awesome Pentecostal churches in some other part of the world, we dont think about uniting up for worldly benefits and dont complain about things as we are too busy serving and worshipping God and focusing on spiritual growth but we do need to understand that racism is a parenting issue as much as it is a social or community issue. But, we cant complain or talk about it inside churches. If you do, they will threaten you and you risk physical harm or to the extent they may even bear false witness and proceed to the extent of ruining you in a post modern Canadian environment. Yes, we still can't complain about racism inside churches. b) I met a young adults pastor in a young adults Bible study who wanted to say that homosexuals are heading to hell and are ungodly. When asked what criteria of sin are people committing, the answer will be lust but lust being used to maintain power structure and racism in society isnt a bad thing for such pastors. He became a pastor because he was backed up a blonde than actually proving that he has grown spiritually. With shortage of prophets like Elijah, we run risk of being Naboth and cannot complain about lust based couple formation inside church society. But in families that follow racism, blonde hair and blue eyes are cultural idea of beauty and you as minority will face discrimination unless you are light skinned and lack strong love for God. c) Replacement puppets- there would always be pastors who are from minority and married to women from majority but in most cases, such men are puppets and cant complain about racism and lust inside churches. I have seen and experience that such missionary women would choose men with Ahabic personalities who would bow down to promote the Baal worship or support condemning spiritual growth and prophets in Christ. d) then what about the isolated cultures like Mennonites, Hutterites and Bruderhof- same idea, they are closed up and so they can always say hey you dont have chest xray of these people and so you cant judge them but if these cultures were any Biblical, where does Bible say trade spiritual growth of their daughters for carnal ways of their church sons? Where does it say that men of majority who are born in these communities should get an easy yes as these men dont know a thing about Pentecost but daughters should be prevented from spiritual growth as otherwise who would have kids with these privileged sons? Isnt this racism, but oh you dont know this as you dont live with us, there will always be excuse. Or you havent toured all churches of Canada so how do you justify residential church systems then? Corruption and racism inside churches are central to racism in society but still you cant complain if you are minority attending churches here as they would try their best to harm you in any way possible, threats, physically hurting you or suing you etc